Portavant 60 twinline is the twin-track Portavant solution for a wider clearance width. Portavant 60 twinline moves two sashes (with up to 60 kg sash weight each) with the same gentle action as one! Portavant 60 twinline is a true miracle in the compact use of space:
Portavant 60 twinline offers greatest operating comfort combined with appealing design. p60-twinline-minibild2 The uniform distance between the sashes is the result of combining two types of attachment for the sashes: whereas the first sash is attached with glass holder inserts, the second sash is fitted with the well-known Portavant 60 clamp carrier.
Portavant 60 twinline, the twin-track Portavant solution for a wider clearance width, combines a synchronised telescopic function with a cushioning and self-closing system on both sides of the sashes, while requiring a profile height of only 70 mm.